Sunday, March 26, 2006

Late, but better than never...

Hey All,

Ok, I know that I said the I'd do some reviews soon in my last post, but what can you do?

Sonoma Creek Chardonnay

I didn't get the vintage on this one since I was rushin' to sample as many as I could before the Fair closed for the early evening, regardless, this Chard was excellent! Nice fruit and subtle oakage makes this one of the better Chards that I've tries from California. Very smooth on the palate make this a nice one to go with cream sauces and some delicious bacon-wrapped bbq chicken.

J. Lohr Painter Bridge Chardonnay

This Chard isn't really fully Chard, but it has some Muscat Canelli and Viognier mixed into it and that makes for a really nice blend with vibrant fruit and honey notes. This wine is available in Winnipeg, and I've had it before, but I still had fun trying it at the Wine Fair for the newest vintage. I heart drinking.

Sebastiani Merlot

I have no idea what vintage is available in the 'Peg but when I had this, I fell in love with it and wished I only had enough cash to buy a case. Cedar, chocolate, pepper and berries filled the glass and made it on to my palate with gusto! I really wnjoy good merlots and this is one of 'em. I think this one'll be good just on it's own or with a good helping of roast wild duck with wild rice and garlic potatos.

And that's all I had time for!



Blogger jpmozambique said...

Hey Roddy,

Glad to have you back man!! Good to hear that the Winnipeg wine scene is still chugging along nicely. How are the little people in your closet these days?


4/04/2006 2:35 a.m.  

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