Friday, September 09, 2005

Hotel Whiskey

So Pearl Jam played last night in Winnipeg. Unfortunately, I didn't go see the show since I'm not really a fan so I have no review. Although I head it was a really groovy show.

On the other hand, the jam band that I'm playing in with John, James and Jared finally settled on a name. Well, honestly, James dosen't know yet, but I did call him about it but he was at his brother's Dave 's wedding, so was unable to chat.
After going through 'The Dogar'; 'Open For Breakfast' and 'Weakest Buffalo' as possible names, 'Hotel Whiskey' was agreed on by John and Jared.

And in Dungeon Siege News, I'm a Lv. 22 Sharpshooter Ranger. I'm a looser too, if you hadn't noticed.

Oh, and Murphy, the old man you missed on the street is really pissed off that you almost hit him. I had him over for coffee yeasterday and Earl, that's his name, Earl would like an apology, a lemon cake with a pack of smokes baked into it and a water-pistol with fish oil in it. I didn't ask Murf. What he wants is what he wants. You, however, will have to do whatever.


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